|  |  |  | Summary Marcel Carlier 73 years old and coal-minor during 22 years. He got a degree like "mines driver" but decided to remain a common coal extractor. Although being sick of silicosis he continues to smoke and drink. He has globally a good appreciation over the coal-mines and the career. Video |
 | Pictures |  | |  |  |  |  |  | |  |  |  |  |  | | |  |  |  | | |  |  | Type Length Process Format Year Original Language Direction Operator Sound Editor Photographer Production |  | Documentary 10’ Betacam SP 4/3 2000 French Basile Sallustio Désiré Berckmans Christophe Blitz Serge Nagels Jungle Films PASS Museum |  |  | |  |  | |